Tarotscope – Monthly Guidance for October

Aries – Five of Pumpkins


You may find yourself feeling a little isolated this month due to lack of finances. Whilst others are starting to get ready to embrace the holiday spirit, you are worrying about where the money will be coming from. Try to remember that this time of years does not have to be about expense. Discover the joyful, exciting, fun spirit of the season and begin to embrace it. Stop focusing on what is lacking and instead focus on what you do have.

Taurus – Page of Pumpkins


Slow, steady and considered is probably your default way of interacting with the world, and it is something that will stand you in good stead this coming month. Yes it may take you longer to get things done but you have the patience needed to see things through for the long haul. Don’t let others rush you or push you into working to their timetable. People may not always show it but they actually appreciate, and even admire, your ability to be able to focus on the nitty-gritty stuff.

Gemini – Nine of Imps


You have so many different personas that you share with the world that sometimes it is difficult to remember which is the real you. Whilst these personalities served you well at the time, protecting you from whatever it was you needed to “hide” from, now it is time to step forward and let your true self shine. Bring all of those personas to the light and you will see that each of them contains a facet of who you truly are. Once you start acting from a place of authentic self you will discover so many more “goodies” become available to you.

Cancer – Two of Bats


You are stuck between doing what you believe is right and doing what you believe you want but are refusing to really look at either, because then you will have to make a decision. Know that these things will not go away if you ignore them. They will continue to flap around your head until they begin to distract you from everything else. Take time to look at both options and you may find that what you want and what is right are actually, at their foundation, the same thing.

Leo – Two of Imps


There is some disharmony around you right now but you have the skills required to manage the conflict. Do not shy away from it, or pretend it isn’t your issue to deal with, as it will soon take over everything else if it is not resolved. You are a natural leader and peacemaker, and now it is time to put those traits to good use. If you want to move forward, with whatever it is you are working on, this issue will need to be confronted first.

Virgo – Ace of Pumpkins


Take the time this month to start laying the foundations of whatever if it is you would like to build within the next year. You have the chance to truly prosper over the coming months and it will all be dependent on the work you do now. It may feel like boring busy work, and there are probably a million other things you would rather be doing right now, but you won’t regret putting in the effort in the long run.

Libra – Four of Ghosts


Something has got you feeling disheartened this month. You feel a bit like you are stuck in a rut and none of the things you usually enjoy are sparking your interest. The worst thing you could do this month is nothing. If you want to get out of this rut, if you want things to be different, then you need to do something different. Do not wallow in self-pity, start looking around at the new opportunities that may be available to you. Take up a new hobby, join a new club, or go to a new social event. It doesn’t have to be big, it just has to be different to your normal routine.

Scorpio – Three of Ghosts


October is going to be a really good month for you. Some of you will actually be celebrating your birthdays, some will just be celebrating life in general. It is a time for socializing. Share a drink and a laugh with your nearest and dearest. Life for you is good right now and you should definitely enjoy every second of it.

Sagittarius – The Devil


Let your wild, fiery side show through this month. Maybe there have been some things you have really wanted to indulge in but you have been holding back. Now is the time to break free and just enjoy a bit of heady fun for a while. All of your responsibilities will still be there in November.

Capricorn – King of Bats


Sometimes it feels like you always have to be the logical one, the one in control, the person who takes charge whenever things go wrong. This month is going to be no exception. People will turn to you for your advice and your rational approach. They will look to you to solve their problems because you are able to separate the situation from your emotions and look at things objectively. Whilst it can often feel like a burden you should embrace this side of your nature. Recognise that it is one of your strengths and be proud of who you are.

Aquarius – Ace of Imps


You are full of great ideas this month but it may be struggle to actually get anything practical done. You are like the magpie who is easily distracted by the next shiny thing. Follow your passion but maybe also make lists of all your great ideas, ready for when you are feeling a bit more grounded in making them a reality. You may find that others try to pull you back down to ground but it is up to you whether you pay attention to them or not.

Pisces – Five of Ghosts


You are going to experience some sort of loss this month. No matter what the loss is, it is really important that you allow yourself the time to feel your feels. Give yourself the space to sit with your emotions and really process them. If you attempt to bottle them up you will begin to find that they just spill out in other areas. Also, try to remember you are not alone. Look for support and you will find it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

*Deck – The Halloween Tarot by Kipling West

GeekGirl Heather


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